The meaning of PACIFY is to allay the anger or agitation of : soothe. How to use pacify in a sentence. Did you know? Synonym Discussion of Pacify.
sincere, wholehearted, heartfelt, hearty, unfeigned mean genuine in feeling. sincere stresses absence of hypocrisy, feigning, or any falsifying embellishment or exaggeration. a sincere apology wholehearted suggests sincerity and earnest devotion without reservation or misgiving. promised our wholehearted...
Her apology wassincere. [+] more examples —oppositeinsincere — sincerity /sɪnˈserəti/noun[noncount] Some people are questioning thesincerityof her promises. Her apology was spoken withsincerity. In all sincerity[=in all honesty], we could not have done this project without your help...
sincerer,sincerest. free of deceit, hypocrisy, or falseness; earnest: a sincere apology. Synonyms:unaffected,guileless,open,honest,candid,frank Antonyms:false genuine; real: a sincere effort to improve; a sincere friend. Antonyms:false pure; unmixed; unadulterated. ...
to mark or perforate (a postage stamp, admission ticket, etc.) so as to render invalid for reuse. to neutralize; compensate for; counterbalance: His sincere apology canceled his sarcastic remark. to publicly reject, boycott, or no longer support (a person or group) because of socially or mo...
His apologyrang hollow. [=his apology did not sound sincere] 4 chiefly British:to make a telephone call to someone or something:call [+ object] I'llringyou (up) tomorrow. He called me yesterday, and Iranghim back today. [no object] ...
Define insincere. insincere synonyms, insincere pronunciation, insincere translation, English dictionary definition of insincere. adj. 1. Not sincere; not genuine: an insincere apology. 2. Habitually phony or dishonest: distrusted him as insincere. in′s
Define insincerely. insincerely synonyms, insincerely pronunciation, insincerely translation, English dictionary definition of insincerely. adj. 1. Not sincere; not genuine: an insincere apology. 2. Habitually phony or dishonest: distrusted him as insinc
Someone who'sinsincereis a little bit fake or phony. Your classmate'sinsincereapology for interrupting you probably sounds like she doesn't really mean it. When you're insincere, you're not being completely honest. A losing politician often gives an insincere-sounding concession speech, and a ...
Definitions include: with sincere emotion. from the d*ck Definitions include: at the beginning, from the start. (show 25 more) Other terms relating to 'hell': a hell of a Definitions include: an impressive. a hell of an Definitions include: an impressive. ...