a. Something, such as a chair or bench, that may be sat on: There are comfortable seats in the waiting room. b. The part on which one rests in sitting: the seat of a chair; a bicycle seat. 2. a. A place in which one may sit: found a seat on the floor. b. The right ...
The meaning of SEAT is a special chair of one in eminence; also : the status represented by it. How to use seat in a sentence.
Seat Definition noun Acenterofauthority; acapital: thecountyseat. SeeSynonymsatcenter. from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition A partservingas thebaseof something else. from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition ...
A seat of plenty, content, and tranquillity. Macaulay. 3. That part of a thing on which a person sits; as, the seat of a chair or saddle; the seat of a pair of pantaloons. 4. A sitting; a right to sit; regular or appropriate place of sitting; as, a seat in ...
The meaning of COUNTRY SEAT is a house or estate in the country.
to delay the hour of retiring beyond the usual time. to sit upright; hold oneself erect. Informal.to become interested or astonished: We all sat up when the holiday was announced. to take a seat. to descend to a sitting position;alight. ...
1.To carry or have on one's person as covering, adornment, or protection:wearing a jacket; must wear a seat belt. 2.To carry or have habitually on one's person, especially as an aid:wears glasses. 3.To display in one's appearance:always wears a smile. ...
to fix or mount (a gem or the like) in a frame or setting. to ornament or stud with gems or the like: a bracelet set with pearls. to cause to sit; seat: to set a child in a high chair. to put (a hen) on eggs to hatch them. ...
The meaning of SEAT is a special chair of one in eminence; also : the status represented by it. How to use seat in a sentence.
In some companies, the Chair of the Board may also serve as Chief Executive Officer. This can sometimes create aconflict of interestsince the board is responsible for supervising the company's executive officers. How Do You Refer to Someone Who Wins a Board Seat?