A non-citizen who has permission to live and work in a country on a permanent basis. In the United States, a resident alien is subject to the same taxation as an American citizen, but may takeforeign tax creditson taxes that are paid to the alien's home country. ...
The early seasons of “Resident Alien” have been picked up by Netflix. FromLos Angeles Times It’s also Harry Vanderspeigle’s defining characteristic as a stranded extraterrestrial, making “Resident Alien” one of the most reliably entertaining and heartwarming shows on TV. FromSalon...
2. Belonging to, characteristic of, or constituting another and very different place, society, or person; strange. See Synonyms at foreign. 3. Dissimilar, inconsistent, or opposed, as in nature: emotions alien to her temperament. n. Law 1. An unnaturalized foreign resident of a country. ...
How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) 'Canceled' or 'cancelled'? Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words ...
alien 2 of 2 noun 1 : a resident who was born elsewhere and is not a citizen of the country in which he or she now lives 2 : a being that comes from or lives in another world : extraterrestrial 3 : exotic Legal Definition alien 1 of 3 adjective ˈā-lē-ən, ˈā...
RESIDENT,internationallaw.Aminister,accordingtodiplomaticlanguage,ofathirdorder,lessindignitythananambassador,or anenvoy.Thistermformerlyrelatedonlytothecontinuanceoftheminister'sstay,butnowitisconfinedtoministersofthisclass.2.Theresidentdoesnotrepresenttheprince'spersoninhisdignity,butonlyhisaffairs.Hisrepresentation...
1.A person owing loyalty to and entitled by birth or naturalization to the protection of a state or nation. 2.A resident of a city or town, especially one entitled to vote and enjoy other privileges there. 3.A civilian. 4.A native, inhabitant, or denizen of a particular place:citizens...
Legal Terms Similar to Resident Domicile - The legal term for a person's permanent and primary residence. Citizen - A person who has legal rights and obligations in a particular country by birth or naturalization. Alien - A person who is not a citizen or national of the country in which ...
alien [ey-lee-uhn,eyl-yuhn ] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun a creature from outer space;extraterrestrial. Often Disparaging and Offensive.a resident of one country who was born in or owes allegiance to another country and has not acquired citizenship by naturalization in the country of residence ...
RESIDENT, international law. A minister, according to diplomatic language, of a third order, less in dignity than an ambassador, or an envoy. This term formerly related only to the continuance of the minister's stay, but now it is confined to ministers of this class. ...