The definition of "rural" for a real estate appraisal considers numerous factors, including the size of your land, the location of your land, the use of your land and access to your land. Fannie Mae notes that these factors, among others, sometimes make classifying rural property a bit of ...
The meaning of APPRAISE is to set a value on : to estimate the amount of. How to use appraise in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Appraise.
The meaning of APPRAISAL is an act or instance of appraising something or someone; especially : a valuation of property by the estimate of an authorized person. How to use appraisal in a sentence.
1.To estimate the price or value of:appraise a diamond; appraise real estate. 2.To make a considered judgment about; assess or size up:appraise a threat; appraised himself in the mirror.See Synonyms atestimate. [Middle Englishappreisen, possibly from Old Frenchaprisier, from Late Latinappret...
Define Real estate listing. means listing of a home for sale in the City of Portland either by a listing agreement between a seller of real property and a real estate broker or principal real estate broker, or by an individual property owner when they ar
Types of Real Estate Value Influences on Real Estate Value: Economic, Governmental & Social Common Writing Problems in Appraisal Reports Writing & Reasoning Skills for Real Estate Appraisers Appraisal Report Options & USPAP Compliance Reconciliation Judgments in Real Estate Appraisal Real Estate Appraisal ...
Real Estate Reconciliation Examples It can be helpful to explore a few reconciliation examples to get a better sense of how the process works in practice. Example 1: Apartment Building Appraisal An appraiser has been hired to value an apartment building with 100 units. The appraiser decides to ...
An appraisal is avaluationof property, such as real estate, a business, a collectible, or an antique, by the estimate of an authorized person. The authorized appraiser must have a designation from a regulatory body governing the appraiser's jurisdiction. Appraisals are typically used for insurance...
A higher and better definition.(real estate appraisal)Lennhoff, David CParli, Richard L
The term sales comparison approach refers to a real estateappraisalmethod that compares one property to comparables, or other recently sold properties in the area with similar characteristics.Real estate agentsand appraisers may use the sales comparison approach when evaluating properties to sell. This ...