The meaning of REACTION is the act or process or an instance of reacting. How to use reaction in a sentence.
: a number that relates the rate of a chemical reaction with the concentrations of the reacting substances : the sum of all the exponents of the terms expressing concentrations of the molecules or atoms determining the rate of the reaction compare first-order reaction, second-order reaction, ...
Define Apositive. Apositive synonyms, Apositive pronunciation, Apositive translation, English dictionary definition of Apositive. placing together or bringing into proximity; juxtaposition; the addition of one thing to another thing: The new parking stru
Define insult. insult synonyms, insult pronunciation, insult translation, English dictionary definition of insult. v. in·sult·ed , in·sult·ing , in·sults v. tr. 1. a. To treat with gross insensitivity, insolence, or contemptuous rudeness. See Synony
reaction response Word of the Day March 03, 2025 decoct [dih-kokt] Meaning and examples Start each day with the Word of the Day in your inbox! Sign Up By clicking "Sign Up", you are accepting Dictionary.comTerms & Conditions and Privacy Policies. ...
The first version of this paper was written to introduce new students and fellows of my laboratory to the mysteries of herpesviruses. Consonant with this design sections dealing with well documented data were trimmed to the bone whereas many obscure phen
Learn about the rate of reaction. Understand the factors affecting the rate of reaction and see how catalyst, concentration, temperature and...
Reactionary definition: of, pertaining to, marked by, or favoring reaction, especially extreme conservatism or rightism in politics; opposing political or social change.. See examples of REACTIONARY used in a sentence.
The meaning of BEG is to ask for as a charity. How to use beg in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Beg.
The meaning of FIT is acceptable from a particular viewpoint (as of competence or morality) : proper. How to use fit in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Fit.