Br2+ H2O + CH2=CH2→ Br-CH2-CH2OH + HBr 3. When tobacco is burned to produce cigarette smoke, the smoke contains a large number of free radical molecules. These free radicals are highly reactive, and when tobacco smoke is inhaled, react with lung tissues. This results in inactivation of ...
free radical Physiology Any of a family of highly reactive molecules containing an unpaired electron in the outer orbital–eg, the excited variants of O2; FRs cause random damage to structural proteins, enzymes, macromolecules, DNA, playing major roles in inflammation, hyperoxidation, post-ischemic ...
1.In chemistry, a group of elements or atoms usually passing intact from one compound to another, but usually incapable of prolonged existence in a free state (for example, methyl, CH3); in chemical formulas, a radical is often distinguished by being enclosed in parentheses or brackets. ...
free radical n (Chemistry) an atom or group of atoms containing at least one unpaired electron and existing for a brief period of time before reacting to produce a stable molecule. Sometimes shortened to: radical Compare group10 Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition...
a.part of the embryo of seed-bearing plants that develops into the main root b.a very small root or rootlike part 2.(Anatomy)anatomyany bodily structure resembling a rootlet, esp one of the smallest branches of a vein or nerve 3.(Chemistry)chema variant spelling ofradical11 ...
Chemistry.(formerly)radical(def15). Anatomy.a small rootlike part or structure, as the beginning of a nerve or vein. Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofradicle1 1665–75;<Latinrādīculasmall root, equivalent torādīc-(stem ofrādīx)root1+-ula-ule ...
a quantity expressed as a root of another quantity. the set of elements of a ring, some power of which is contained in a given ideal. radical sign ( def ). Chemistry. group ( def 3 ). free radical ( def ). Grammar.root1( def 12 ). ...
free radical noun /ˌfriː ˈrædɪkl/ /ˌfriː ˈrædɪkl/(chemistry) an atom or group of atoms that has an electron that is not part of a pair, causing it to take part easily in chemical reactions. Free radicals in the body are thought to be one of the ...
A free radical is harmful when it damages DNA, lipids, proteins, or other structures in the body. When these damages occur, diseases like cancer and inflammation can happen. It is theorized that the damage caused by free radicals may contribute to the process of aging. What are examples of...
The meaning of VALENCE is the degree of combining power of an element as shown by the number of atomic weights of a monovalent element (such as hydrogen) with which the atomic weight of the element will combine or for which it can be substituted or with