The meaning of PREMIUM is a reward or recompense for a particular act. How to use premium in a sentence.
c. Also called: insurance policy the policy providing such protection d. the pecuniary amount of such protection e. the premium payable in return for such protection f. (as modifier): insurance agent; insurance broker; insurance company. 2. a means of protecting or safeguarding against risk ...
Related to Insurance Premiums:Mortgage Insurance Premiums ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus premium- payment for insurance premium payment- a sum of money paid or a claim discharged Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princet...
The meaning of OPTION is an act of choosing. How to use option in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Option.
Related toWaiver of Premium Nonpayment of premiummeans the failure or inability of the named insured to discharge any obligation in connection with the payment of premiums on a policy of insurance subject to this section, whether such payments are payable directly to the insurer or its agent or...
Premium A policy’s premium is its price, typically a monthly cost. Often, an insurer takes multiple factors into account to set a premium. Here are a few examples:3 Auto insurance premiums: Yourhistory of property and auto claims, age and location,creditworthiness, and many other factors tha...
PREMIUM meaning: 1 : the price of insurance the amount paid for insurance; 2 : a price that is higher than the regular price
through an intermediary such as anINSURANCE BROKER/AGENT. In return for an insurance premium, the person or firm obtains insurance cover against financial risks. The termassuranceis frequency used interchangeably with that of insurance to describe certain kinds of life insurance. SeeRISK AND ...
Premium A policy’s premium is its price, typically a monthly cost. Often, an insurer takes multiple factors into account to set a premium. Here are a few examples:3 Auto insurance premiums: Yourhistory of property and auto claims, age and location,creditworthiness, and many other factors tha...
Premium Due Datemeans date specified in the Schedule on which the Instalment Premium will become due. Premium AmountThe amount of premium due to the Note Insurer in accordance with the terms of the Insurance Agreement. Base premium ratemeans, for each class of business as to a rating period,...