car·pool (kär′po͞ol′) n.alsocar pool 1.An arrangement whereby several participants or their children travel together in one vehicle, the participants sharing the costs and often taking turns as the driver. 2.A group, as of commuters or parents, participating in a carpool. ...
CAR POOL meaning: a group of people who regularly share a car when they are going to and from their jobs or who take turns driving each other's children to school, activities, etc.
car·pool (kär′po͞ol′) n.alsocar pool 1.An arrangement whereby several participants or their children travel together in one vehicle, the participants sharing the costs and often taking turns as the driver. 2.A group, as of commuters or parents, participating in a carpool. ...
Kids Definition car pool noun : an arrangement by a group of automobile owners in which each in turn drives his or her own car and carries the others as passengers usually to and from work carpool ˈkär-ˌpül verb carpooler noun ...
The meaning of POOL is a small and rather deep body of usually fresh water. How to use pool in a sentence.
car pool noun /ˈkɑː puːl/ /ˈkɑːr puːl/ (British English) (US English motor pool) a group of cars owned by a company or an organization, that its staff can useTopics Transport by car or lorryc2 Want to learn more? Find out which words work together and produc...
a combination of resources, funds, etc., for common advantage. the combined interests or funds. a facility, resource, or service that is shared by a group of people: a car pool; The Psychology department has built up a large participant pool for experiments. ...
Study of animal life by the ancient Greeks became more rational, if not yet scientific, in the modern sense, after the cause of disease—until then thought to be demons—was postulated by Hippocrates to result from a lack of harmonious functioning of body parts. The systematic study of animal...
We are shown meticulously furnished rooms with massage beds, fresh towels and robes, hot tubs and a swimming pool. FromBBC A recent haul included a ham sandwich, fresh tortilla chips, pork burritos and a sturdy little tub of mushroom barley soup. ...
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