Yes,partitionis in the scrabble dictionary ...and is worth13points by itself. find more words you can make below Partition Definition A part orsectioninto which something has beendivided. from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition ...
2.To divide or separate by means of a partition:We partitioned off the alcove to make another bedroom. 3.To divide (a country) into separate, autonomous nations. [Middle Englishparticioun, from Old Frenchpartition, from Latinpartītiō, partītiōn-, frompartītus, past participle ofpartīre,to...
The meaning of PARTITION is the action of parting : the state of being parted : division. How to use partition in a sentence.
Partition definition: a division into or distribution in portions or shares. See examples of PARTITION used in a sentence.
The meaning of PARTITION is the action of parting : the state of being parted : division. How to use partition in a sentence.
Function = BEGIN ATOMIC SET N.PARTITION_COLUMN = RIGHT(DIGITS(INT(MOD(RAND()* 9991, 10)) + 1), 2); ENDColumn 1 = PARTITION_COLUMN ASCThe performance overhead of using a trigger is measured as a percentage of the inserts. Performance overhead depends on several factors, including row ...
可以的。below 作副词用时,可放在句首、句中或句尾:Below we will also construct dimensional reduction and prove ...Below we have the Ferrers diagram of the partition 8 + 7 + 4 + 3 with the Durfee square ...Below you can find some exercises with explained solutions: ...The...
Related to partition:Partition Magic The division of real property into separate parcels for joint owners who no longer wish to own the property together.If possible,a court must physically divide the property into shares of equal value and quality.If not possible,the court will order a sale of...
Partition A partition is a section of astorage device, such as ahard disk driveorsolid state drive. It is treated by the operating system as a separate logicalvolume, which makes it function similarly to a separate physical device. A storage device may beformattedwith one or more partitions....
Flowerpot, comprising a container having a partition THE DEFINITION OF A BOTTOM CHAMBER.HOUGAARD, ERLING