1.Of great size; large. 2.Large in scope or extent; large-scale:a macro analysis of many reports. n.pl.mac·rosComputers 1.A single, user-defined command that is part of an application and executes a series of commands. 2.A shorthand representation for a number of lines of code. ...
1.Of great size; large. 2.Large in scope or extent; large-scale:a macro analysis of many reports. n.pl.mac·rosComputers 1.A single, user-defined command that is part of an application and executes a series of commands. 2.A shorthand representation for a number of lines of code. ...
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The meaning of MACROPORE is a pore (as in coal) of comparatively large size; especially : a pore in soil of such size that water drains from it by gravity and is not held by capillary action.
Macro:If a macro template is used 100 times inside a C program, all these macro template will be replaced with its macro expansion before its passed to the compiler. This process is called as preprocessing, and it’s done by preprocessor. Because of this, the size of the program increases...
A macro is similar to ascript, as both contain a series of tasks for a program to run. While a script generally consists of program commands executed by a command line, a macro includes user interactions with parts of the screen. For example, a macro can record you entering a text in ...
Macro Inthecontextofhedgefunds,astyleofmanagementthattakeslong-termstrategicbets.Forexample,themanagermightbelievethattheYenwillappreciaterelativetothedollaroverthenextsixmonthsandaltertheportfoliotocapturethispotentialprofitopportunity. Copyright©2012,Campbell R. Harvey.AllRightsReserved. ...
The macro economy Aggregate demand and aggregate supply analysis Aggregate demand (AD):aggregate demand is the total spending on an economy ‘s goods and services at a given price level in a given time period. AD= C+I+G+(X-M) Compone...
As the term implies, macroeconomics is a field of study that analyzes an economy through a wide lens. This includes looking at variables like unemployment,GDP, andinflation. In addition, macroeconomists develop models explaining the relationships between these factors. ...
As the term implies, macroeconomics is a field of study that analyzes an economy through a wide lens. This includes looking at variables like unemployment,GDP, andinflation. In addition, macroeconomists develop models explaining the relationships between these factors. ...