In the structure drawn, all of the particles (yellow) are the same. In this particular case, the lattice points defining the unit cell coincide with the centers of the crystal's particles. This need not always be the case. The Ionic Lattice If a crystal is formed of ions, the compound ...
The meaning of QUAY is a structure built parallel to the bank of a waterway for use as a landing place.
lattice (ˈlætɪs) n 1. (Crafts) Also called: latticework an open framework of strips of wood, metal, etc, arranged to form an ornamental pattern 2. (Crafts) a. a gate, screen, etc, formed of such a framework b. (as modifier): a lattice window. 3. (Art Terms) somet...
lattice noun lat·tice ˈlat-əs 1 a : a framework or structure of crossed wood or metal strips b : a window, door, or gate having a lattice 2 : an arrangement of points or objects that is evenly spaced over an area or throughout a volume the lattice of atoms in a...
1.EcclesiasticalA member of the clergy or of a religious order. 2.A soldier belonging to a regular army. 3.A dependable loyal person:one of the party regulars. 4.A clothing size designed for persons of average height. 5.A habitual customer. ...
Wen, XG. A lattice non-perturbative definition of an SO(10) chi- ral gauge theory and its induced standard model. Chin Phys Lett 2013; 30: 111101.X. G. Wen, A lattice Non-perturbative Definition of an SO (10) Chiral Gauge Theory and its Induced Standard Model, Chin. Phys. Lett. ...
Crystals of sodium chloride, NaCl, magnified. Electric Conductivity In general, ionic solids do not carry electric current, because the ions are in fixed positions in the crystal lattice. They do, however, conduct electricity when molten or when dissolved in solution, when the ions are released ...
The lattice method of multiplication has four steps: Draw the lattice. It should have 3 columns and 2 rows. Draw a diagonal through each cell from top right to bottom left. Label the lattice. The 3-digit number goes across the top, and the 2-digit number goes down on the right. ...
Mathematics.(of a lattice containing a smallest element and a greatest element) having the property that corresponding to each element of the lattice is a second element such that the greatest lower bound of the two elements is the smallest element of the lattice and the least upper bound of ...
The meaning of LATTICE is a framework or structure of crossed wood or metal strips. How to use lattice in a sentence.