The meaning of DIET is food and drink regularly provided or consumed. How to use diet in a sentence. Did you know?
(Medicine)medforming or able to stimulate the production of ketone bodies:a ketogenic diet. Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
The meaning of KETOGENIC DIET is a diet that supplies large amounts of fats, moderate amounts of proteins, and minimal amounts of carbohydrates and that is undertaken for weight loss or to control seizures in treatment-resistant epilepsy. How to use keto
During the first week of a keto diet, you might start to feel bad. Some people call this the "keto flu," but it isn’t an official medical condition. Some doctors think this is due to sugar and carbohydrate withdrawal. Or it could be because of changes to your gut bacteria or an im...
During the first week of a keto diet, you might start to feel bad. Some people call this the "keto flu," but it isn’t an official medical condition. Some doctors think this is due to sugar and carbohydrate withdrawal. Or it could be because of changes to your gut bacteria or an im...
First though, a brief overview of the theory of ketogenic diets. FromWashington Post A ketogenic diet is very compelling to him, in part because he was able to manage his own weight on a low-carb diet after having failed with other diets. ...
adjective med forming or able to stimulate the production of ketone bodies: a ketogenic dietWords Nearby ketogenic ketoconazole keto-enol tautomerism keto flu keto form ketogenesis ketogenic ketogenic diet ketohexose ketolysis ketonaemia ketone Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 ...
CV:prolonged QT interval with increased risk ofventricular arrhythmiasandtorsades de pointes EENT:visual disturbances, poor visual accommodation GI:nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loose stools, light-colored stools, dysgeusia, anorexia,pseudomembranous colitis(possibly caused byClostridium difficile) ...
Giordano-Giovannetti diet (redirected fromGiovannetti diet) Gior·dan·o-Gio·van·net·ti di·et (jōr-dan'ō-jō'va-net'ē), a diet designed for patients with renal failure; it provides small amounts of protein, primarily as essential amino acids, along with α-keto derivatives of amino...
Ketogenic Diet Ironically, ketonuria is a desired effect of a special "ketogenic diet" used to prevent or reduce the number of seizures in people withepilepsy(seizure disorders). Some physicians use this diet when conventional medications fail to control seizures or when the side effects of medica...