spring chicken,young person,younker,youth- a young person (especially a young man or boy) adult,grownup- a fully developed person from maturity onward Adj.1.juvenile- of or relating to or characteristic of or appropriate for children or young people; "juvenile diabetes"; "juvenile fashions" ...
The meaning of JUVENILE is physiologically immature or undeveloped : young. How to use juvenile in a sentence.
The meaning of JUVENILE is physiologically immature or undeveloped : young. How to use juvenile in a sentence.
of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or suitable or intended for young persons: juvenile books. young;youthful: juvenile years. immature;childish;infantile: His juvenile tantrums are not in keeping with his age. noun a young person;youth. ...
widerjurisdictionin terms of theoffensesit can try. It can deal with ajuvenilefor any offense excepthomicide, although it is not bound to deal with a young person for a serious offense such asrobberyorrape; on such a charge he can be committed to theCrown Courtfortrialin the same manner ...
A comic strip is a series of adjacent images, usually arranged horizontally, that are designed to be read as a narrative or a chronological sequence.
nounA young person; a child. nounA young animal that has not reached sexual maturity. nounA two-year-old racehorse. nounAn actor who plays roles of children or young persons. nounA children's book. from The Century Dictionary. Young; youthful: as, ajuvenilemanner;a juvenilepart in a pl...
juvenile court- a court having jurisdiction over dependent and delinquent children kangaroo court- an irregular unauthorized court military court- a judicial court of commissioned officers for the discipline and punishment of military personnel moot court- a mock court where law students argue hypothetical...
Theater.a piece of scenery consisting of a wooden frame, usually rectangular, covered with lightweight board or fabric. a broad, thin book, chiefly for children: a juvenile flat. Informal.a deflated automobile tire. (in postal use) a large flat package, as in a manila envelope, for mailing...
To identify a core set of outcome variables for the assessment of children with juvenile arthritis (JA), to use the core set to develop a definition of improvement to determine whether individual patients demonstrate clinically important improvement, and to promote this definition as a single ...