Jezebel- wife of Ahab who was king of Israel; according to the Old Testament she was a cruel immoral queen who fostered the worship of Baal and tried to kill Elijah and other prophets of Israel (9th century BC) 2.jezebel- a shameless impudent scheming woman ...
Popular in Grammar & Usage See All Using Bullet Points ( • ) Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up ...
For example, Trump said that Harris is a “Jezebel.” FromSalon It sounds eerily similar to the misogynistic tropes that incels spew, blaming women as a whole for their manipulative, Jezebel ways; women who'd rather be with powerful men instead of the "good guys" like themselves. ...
Jezebel- wife of Ahab who was king of Israel; according to the Old Testament she was a cruel immoral queen who fostered the worship of Baal and tried to kill Elijah and other prophets of Israel (9th century BC) 2.jezebel- a shameless impudent scheming woman ...
How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Popular in Wordplay
The meaning of jezebel jezebel 2 definitions of the word jezebel. Noun Wife of Ahab who was king of Israel; according to the Old Testament she was a cruel immoral queen who fostered the worship of Baal and tried to kill Elijah and other prophets of Israel (9th century BC) ...
— Jezebel • Wilkie Collins Read full book for free! ... understatement, this state of chronic disease, mixed with occasional rushes of terror. I am certain that my nervous system and emotional responses are being examined, and catalogued like a visceral preparation in an anatomy laboratory....
Manipulative definition: influencing or attempting to influence the behavior or emotions of others for one’s own purposes. See examples of MANIPULATIVE used in a sentence.
Definition of Tire TireTire Tire, n. A tier, row, or rank. See Tier. [Obs.] In posture to displode their second tire Of thunder. --Milton. TireTire Tire, v. t. To adorn; to attire; to dress. [Obs.] [Jezebel] painted her face, and tired her head. --2 Kings ix. 30. Tire...
Jezebel painted her face and tired her head. --2 Kings ix. 30. 2. Fig.: To color, stain, or tinge; to adorn or beautify with colors; to diversify with colors. Not painted with the crimson spots of blood. --Shak. Cuckoo buds of yellow hue Do paint the meadows with delight. --...