The meaning of HEADLINE is words set at the head of a passage or page to introduce or categorize. How to use headline in a sentence.
headline - publicize widely or highly, as if with a headline advertise, publicise, publicize, advertize - call attention to; "Please don't advertise the fact that he has AIDS" 2. headline - provide (a newspaper page or a story) with a headline publishing, publication - the business of is...
[countable] the title of a newspaper article printed in large letters, especially at the top of the front page They ran the story under the headline “Home at last!” The scandal was in the headlines for several days. headline news see banner headline Definitions on the go Look up any ...
to furnish with a headline. to mention or name in a headline. to publicize, feature, or star (a specific performer, product, etc.). to be the star of (a show, nightclub act, etc.) verb (used without object) headlined,headlining. ...
A brief statement at the beginning of an article, usually in larger type than the rest of the article, that describes what the article will state. Headlines are often abbreviated and may be deliberately sensational, especially in tabloids. A famous example of a headline occurred during theGreat...
Headline (redirected fromheadlined) Also found in:Dictionary,Thesaurus,Idioms,Encyclopedia. Abriefstatementatthebeginningof anarticle,usuallyinlargertypethantherestofthearticle,thatdescribeswhatthearticlewillstate.Headlinesareoftenabbreviatedandmaybedeliberatelysensational,especiallyintabloids.Afamousexampleof aheadline...
Define Headline Offer. means the entitlement of Cambian Shareholders under the Scheme to receive 0.267 New CareTech Shares and 100 pence in cash for each Cambian Share held by that Cambian Shareholder, unless such Cambian Shareholder elects to receive th
Define headline consolidator. headline consolidator synonyms, headline consolidator pronunciation, headline consolidator translation, English dictionary definition of headline consolidator. n a news announcer on radio or television Collins English Dictio
Headlines are crucial to your content performing to the best of its ability. Use these resources to help you write your best headline yet.
journalism:one of the horizontal and usually secondary or lower divisions of a headline reading thebankof the headline Phrases bank on :to depend or rely on can alwaysbank onher friendship Did you know? The literal meaning of Italianbancawas “bench,” but the word was also used for the be...