The meaning of FROG is any of various largely aquatic leaping anuran amphibians (such as ranids) that have slender bodies with smooth moist skin and strong long hind legs with webbed feet. How to use frog in a sentence.
frog (frôg, frŏg) n. 1. a.Any of numerous tailless aquatic, semiaquatic, or terrestrial amphibians of the order Anura, characteristically having a short vertebral column, a large head, long hind legs used for leaping, and a tadpole stage as larvae. ...
Also calledtrue frog,any frog of the widespread family Ranidae, most members of which are semiaquatic and have smooth, moist skin and relatively long hind legs used for leaping.Comparetoad(def2). a slight hoarseness, usually caused by mucus on the vocal cords: ...
1.(usually foll byof) in or into a state of difficulty, confusion, or conflict (with) 2.(Nautical Terms) (often foll byof) in or into an entanglement or collision (with) (often in the phraserun afoul of):a yacht with its sails afoul;the boat ran afoul of a steamer. ...
(redirected fromfrog) Dictionary Thesaurus Medical Legal Acronyms Idioms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Nut The total amount anadvertiserspends on a television, radio or Internetmarketingcampaign. For example, if an advertiser sponsors a radio program and broadcasts $1 million worth of commercials, that $1 mil...
Frog, any of various tailless amphibians belonging to the order Anura. The name ‘frog’ is often used to distinguish the smooth-skinned, leaping anurans from the squat, warty, hopping ones, which are called toads. In general, frogs have protruding eyes,
Kids Definition frogman noun frog·man -ˌman -mən : a swimmer equipped to work underwater for long periods of time More from Merriam-Webster on frogman Nglish: Translation of frogman for Spanish Speakers Encyclopedia article about frogman...
Biological development, the progressive changes in size, shape, and function during the life of an organism by which its genetic potentials (genotype) are translated into functioning mature systems (phenotype). Most modern philosophical outlooks would co
"Luftmensch," literally meaning "air person," is the Yiddish way of describing someone who is a bit of a dreamer. Did You Know? The word "infant" comes from the Latin word "infans" which literally means "unable to speak; speechless." ...
Some package managers on the market include JFrog's Conan, a decentralized C/C++ package manager that simplifies dependency management and facilitates the integration of third-party libraries; and vcpkg, a cross-platform manager developed by Microsoft that offers a range of precompiled C++ libraries....