The meaning of PITCH is a black or dark viscous substance obtained as a residue in the distillation of organic materials and especially tars. How to use pitch in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Pitch.
3. (Physical Geography) Irish a bank made of earth excavated from and placed alongside a drain or stream 4. (Bowls & Bowling) informal either of the gutters at the side of a tenpin bowling lane 5. last ditch a last resort or place of last defence vb 6. to make a ditch or ditches...
The meaning of DITCH is a long narrow excavation dug in the earth (as for drainage). How to use ditch in a sentence.
District heat
break with something or someone separate from, drop (informal), reject, ditch (slang), renounce, depart from, break away from, part company with, repudiate, jilt It was a tough decision for him to break with Leeds. Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edi...
Cindy Skrzycki
seeall out (effort);last-ditch effort. Discover More Synonym Study Effort, application, endeavor, exertion imply actions directed or force expended toward a definite end. Effort is an expenditure of energy to accomplish some objective: He made an effort to control himself. Application is continuous...
to leap over a ditch. Synonyms:bound to move or act quickly or suddenly: to leap aside; She leaped at the opportunity. to pass, come, rise, etc., as if with a jump: to leap to a conclusion; an idea that immediately leaped to mind. ...
Sometimes I thought it lost, but it appeared again, beneath a fallen tree perhaps, or struggling on the other side of a muddied ditch created by the winter rains. In this quote from Rebecca, Daphne du Maurier refers to a washed-out road as "the poor thread." This is a metaphor—and...
The meaning of DITCH is a long narrow excavation dug in the earth (as for drainage). How to use ditch in a sentence.