The Declaration did not provide a definition of defenders but, as had been noted by her predecessor, human rights defenders [...] 宣言》没有给出关于 人权维护者的定义,但是根 据前任特别报告员的 解释,是人权维护者的实际行动赋予了他这个头 衔。 He...
a declaration of income customs declarations (= giving details of goods that have been brought into a country) The company will only provide insurance if the information on the proposal form and declaration is correct and complete. We were asked to sign a declaration to the effect that we were...
The meaning of DECLARATION is the act of declaring : announcement. How to use declaration in a sentence.
The meaning of DECLARE is to make known formally, officially, or explicitly. How to use declare in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Declare.
Related to declarations:Declaration of Independence dec·la·ra·tion (dĕk′lə-rā′shən) n. 1.An explicit, formal announcement, either oral or written. 2.The act or process of declaring. 3.A statement of taxable goods or of properties subject to duty. ...
Related to Declaration (law):Declaration of Independence (Law)a paper subscribed by a grantee of property, acknowledging that he holds it in trust for the purposes and upon the terms set forth. - Abbott. See also:Declaration Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C....
declaration [dek-luh-rey-shuhn] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun the act of declaring; announcement: a declaration of a dividend. a positive, explicit, or formal statement; proclamation: a declaration of war. something that is announced, avowed, or proclaimed....
A definition can be used in the place of a declaration. An identifier can be declared as often as you want. Thus, the following is legal in C and C++: double f(int, double); double f(int, double); extern double f(int, double); // the same as the two above ...
A declaration is the plaintiff's statement of a claim against the defendant, formally and specifically setting out the facts and circumstances that make up the case. It generally is broken into several sections, which describe the different counts of the Cause of Action. The declaration should gi...
According to the former, letters of marque could be granted by the States after a declaration of war; according to the latter, these licenses must be obtained, as well during war as previous to its declaration, from the government of the United States. View in context Fortunately, both Julia...