The meaning of DAREDEVIL is recklessly and often ostentatiously daring. How to use daredevil in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Daredevil.
The meaning of SEX is either of the two major forms of individuals that occur in many species and that are distinguished respectively as female or male especially on the basis of their reproductive organs and structures. How to use sex in a sentence. Are
A dearly beloved person. from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th EditionOne that is greatly liked or preferred; a favorite: " the pride and vanity of the rich, the darlings of fate” ( Mario Puzo). from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, ...
daringpresent singular 3rd person:daresordaredareddaredor(Archaic)durst[durst]; to have the boldness to try;venture;hazard. Synonyms:brave to meet defiantly; face courageously: They dared the waves of the North Atlantic. to challenge or provoke (a person) into a demonstration of courage;defy: ...
Define White person. White person synonyms, White person pronunciation, White person translation, English dictionary definition of White person. Noun 1. White person - a member of the Caucasoid race Caucasian, White individual, mortal, person, somebody,
An act of daring; a challenge. [Middle Englishdaren, from Old Englishdearr, first and third person sing. present indicative ofdurran,to venture, dare; seedhers-inIndo-European roots.] dar′ern. Usage Note:Depending on its sense, the verbdaresometimes behaves like an auxiliary verb (such as...
a character in a play, story, etc. Discover More Other Words From non·per son·agenoun Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofpersonage1 First recorded in 1425–75;late Middle English:“body or image (statue, portrait) of a person” (fromOld French), fromMedieval Latinpersōnāgi...
Muff proved nothing, but that he richly deserved his name, and the jury returned a verdict for ...— Comical People • Unknown Read full book for free! ... be, which is the very foundation of my character, does not permit me to bring august personages upon the scene. But Fougas'...
definition of a hero is different for everyone. Some one might think of a hero as someone who can lift a car and put it on their back, or gives a dying person their kidney. Yes all of those people are forms of hero’s. You can’t tell someone that they are not a hero just ...
Tenn., agreed to take the message through the Confederate lines." She got as far as Louisville, Tenn., but could get no farther. There she found but one person who was willing to run the risk of taking the message through the lines, and he was a boy only thirteen years of age,.....