Define conventionalisation. conventionalisation synonyms, conventionalisation pronunciation, conventionalisation translation, English dictionary definition of conventionalisation. Noun 1. conventionalisation - the act of conventionalizing; conforming to
1. One who adheres to a convention or treaty. 2. One who is governed by conventionalism. ConventionalitiesConventionality Con*ven`tion*al"i*ty, n.; pl. Conventionalities. The state of being conventional; adherence to social formalities or usages; that which is established by conventional use...
The meaning of CONVENTIONAL is formed by agreement or compact. How to use conventional in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Conventional.
Define conventioneer. conventioneer synonyms, conventioneer pronunciation, conventioneer translation, English dictionary definition of conventioneer. n. One who attends a convention. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition
1. One who adheres to a convention or treaty. 2. One who is governed by conventionalism. ConventionalitiesConventionality Con*ven`tion*al"i*ty, n.; pl. Conventionalities. The state of being conventional; adherence to social formalities or usages; that which is established by conventional use...
Convention (redirected fromconventional) Dictionary Thesaurus Legal Acronyms Idioms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to conventional:Conventional weapons AmethodundertheModified Accelerated Cost Recovery Systemoneusestocalculatethedepreciationof anassetintheyearit ispurchased(orfirstused)andtheyearoftheendofitsuseful ...
The meaning of REPUBLIC is a government in which the power belongs to a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by the leaders and representatives elected by those citizens to govern according to law. How to use republic in a sentence. Is the
Origin ofconvention1 First recorded in 1375–1425;late Middle Englishconvencio(u)n“formal meeting,” fromMiddle Frenchconvencion“meeting, agreement, covenant,” andLatinconventiōn-(stem ofconventiō) “assembly, agreement,” literally, “a coming together”;convene,-tion ...
Convention An agreement or compact, particularly an international agreement, such as the geneva convention. An accord between states or nations, which resembles a treaty: ordinarily applied to agreements prior to an execution of an official treaty or which serve as its foundation; or to ...
The meaning of ACCORD is to grant or give especially as appropriate, due, or earned. How to use accord in a sentence. Did you know? Synonym Discussion of Accord.