Google Share on Facebook contline (ˈkɒntˌlaɪn) n the space between the bilges of stowed casks Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
The meaning of CONTOUR LINE is a line (as on a map) connecting the points on a land surface that have the same elevation.
The meaning of LINE is a length of cord or cord-like material. How to use line in a sentence.
Definitions of contour line noun a line drawn on a map connecting points of equal height synonyms: contour see more Cite this entry Style: MLA "Contour line." Dictionary,, line. Accessed 05 Jan. 2025. Copy ...
the representation of such a line on a map. Mathematics.a line parallel to a trace.Comparetrace1(def11). Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofcontour line1 First recorded in1835–45 Discover More Example Sentences Had they studied a topographic map before buying this home, they cou...
How do you identify a contour line? Contour lines can be identified by their distinctive shape, which is usually a mix of curved and straight lines that form a closed loop or figure. These lines are used to represent areas that have some sort of equal value (e.g., elevation, temperature...
to endure the hard lines of poverty. Chiefly British. a certificate of marriage. a circle of the terrestrial or celestial sphere: the equinoctial line. banner ( def 7 ). Fine Arts. a mark made by a pencil, brush, or the like, that defines the contour of a shape, forms hatching, et...
Related to index contour line: Contour intervalindex contour line A contour line accentuated by a heavier line weight to distinguish it from intermediate contour lines. Index contours are usually shown as every fifth contour with their assigned values, to facilitate reading elevations. Dictionary of ...
a 3D surface representation of points with equal values in a 3D data distribution. Is the 3D equivalent of a contour line. setup details 1.3Q-Criterion with Tecplot a) analysze/calculate variables/Q criterion b) iso-surface/details define iso-surface using: criterion ...
con‧tour /ˈkɒntʊə $ ˈkɑːntʊr/ ●○○ noun [countable] 1 the shape of the outer edges of something such as an area of land or someone’s body the contours of the hills the contours of her face2 (also contour line) a line on a map that shows points that ...