Related to compacts:compact cameras com·pact1 (kəm-păkt′, kŏm-, kŏm′păkt′) adj. 1.Closely and firmly united or packed together; dense:compact clusters of flowers. 2.Occupying little space compared with others of its type:a compact camera; a compact car. ...
a book compact of form and content. Also.Mathematics.(of a set) having the property that in any collection of open sets whose union contains the given set there exists a finite number of open sets whose union contains the given set; having the property that every open cover has a finite...
1 of 4adjective ˈfərm 1 a :solidly fixed in place b :not weak or uncertain:vigorous c :having a solid or compact texture 2 a :not likely to be changed afirmoffer b :not easily moved or disturbed:steadfast afirmbeliever 3
The meaning of SPIN is to draw out and twist fiber into yarn or thread. How to use spin in a sentence.
compacture compadre compages compaginate compagination Companable Companator compand compander companiable companion companion animal companion cell Companion hatch Companion ladder companion piece companion planting companion set ▼ Complete English Grammar Rules ...
ofwater in a stream measured incubic feetper second at the point designated inArticle IIof the Compact, at or below which the United States has theright toseek curtailment of juniorwater rightsupstream from the Refuge. 8. "Natural flow" means the water thatthe parties agreeshall remain in ...
Learn the definition of Difficulties and browse a collection of 77 enlightening community discussions around the topic.
The Moran set F associated with (Jσ)σ∈Ω∗ is defined as the nonempty compact set F=⋂m=0∞⋃σ∈ΩmJσ. The definition of Moran sets here is close to that in [1], [6] with a bit variation, but simpler than that in [9] where a more general structure is discussed (Rea...
The meaning of SPIN is to draw out and twist fiber into yarn or thread. How to use spin in a sentence.
The meaning of CLOSE is to move so as to bar passage through something. How to use close in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Close.