Define Classic cars. Classic cars synonyms, Classic cars pronunciation, Classic cars translation, English dictionary definition of Classic cars. n chiefly Brit a car that is more than twenty-five years old. Compare veteran car, vintage car Collins Englis
"Barn-find dust, as it is known in the classic car world - you can't put a price on it; it's invaluable; it's part of their story," explained Mr Rabett. From BBC A former biochemist and part-time classic car mechanic, he spends most of his days now answering urgent calls for ...
7 Pairs of Commonly Confused Words What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Your vs. You're: How to Use Them Correctly Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins ...
car·ies (kâr′ēz) n. 1.Decay of a bone or tooth, especially dental caries. 2.(used with a pl. verb)Instances of such decay, especially dental cavities:a child with several caries. [Latincariēs.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © ...
The meaning of COMPLEX is a whole made up of complicated or interrelated parts. How to use complex in a sentence. The Complex Origins of Complex Synonym Discussion of Complex.
They live on thetopfloor of the building. That's my husband in thetop[=upper] right-hand corner of the picture. 2 :highest in rank, success, or importance thetopnews story of the day the country'stopthree car manufacturers He is among thetoppitchers of the league. ...
The victorycaps offthe career of a coach who's brought her team to the championships five times. b:to follow (something) with something that is better, worse, etc. a concertcappedby a fantastic fireworks display The car was filthy when he returned it to me, andto cap it off[=to top...
From busy freeways to classic-car street racing, Los Angeles has long been considered the capital of American car culture. FromBBC Russia is busy fighting Ukraine, Hezbollah has been decimated by its short war with Israel and Iran is bruised after seeing how easily Israeli warplanes were able ...
He does a few good things, but only as long as it suits him—so he's a classic antihero. Byronic hero: A Byronic hero is a variant of the antihero. Named after the characters in the poetry of Lord Byron, the Byronic hero is usually a man who is an intelligent, emotionally sensitive...
Break a leg = good luck Bent out of shape = to become mad Food for thought = something to think about Idioms, metaphors and similes: what’s the difference? Similes use a comparison of dissimilar things, with the help of “like” or “as”, to describe something. “That car stands ou...