Share the Definition of chain reaction on Twitter Twitter Kids Definition chain reaction noun 1 : a series of events so related to each other that each one sets the next one going 2 : a chemical or nuclear reaction producing energy or products that cause further reactions of the same ki...
chain reaction n. 1. A series of events in which each induces or influences the next. 2. Physics A multistage nuclear reaction, especially a self-sustaining series of fissions in which the release of neutrons from the splitting of one atom leads to the splitting of others. 3. Chemistry A...
chain re·ac·tion (chān rē-ak'shŭn) A self-perpetuating reaction in which a product of one step in the reaction itself serves to bring about the next step in the reaction, and so on. Compare: autocatalysis Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 cha...
The meaning of CHAIN REACTION is a series of events so related to each other that each one initiates the next. How to use chain reaction in a sentence.
Learn to define what a chain reaction in chemistry is. Discover the process and steps of a chain reaction. Review examples and different types of...
REACTION meaning: 1 : the way someone acts or feels in response to something that happens, is said, etc.; 2 : an action or attitude that shows disagreement with or disapproval of someone or something usually singular often + against
a series of events, each of which causes the next It set off a chain reaction in the international money markets. The change of plan set off a chain reaction of confusion. Seechain reactionin the Oxford Advanced American DictionarySeechain reactionin the Oxford Learner's Dictionary of Acad...
Chain Reactions Examples A nuclear chain reaction is afissionreaction where the neutrons generated by the fission process go on and initiate fission in otheratoms. The chemical reaction between hydrogen gas and oxygen gas to form water is another example of a chain reaction. In the reaction, one...
Each cilium may respond to a stimulus carried over the cell surface from an adjacent cilium—in which case, coordination would be the result of a chain reaction from cilium to cilium. The best evidence that formed structures are responsible for coordination comes from another ciliate, Euplotes, ...
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