The meaning of BLACKOUT is a turning off of the stage lighting to separate scenes in a play or end a play or skit; also : a skit that ends with a blackout. How to use blackout in a sentence.
black·out (blăk′out′) n. 1.A cutoff of electric power, especially as a result of a shortage, a mechanical failure, or overuse by consumers. 2.The concealment or extinguishment of lights that might be visible to enemy aircraft during an air raid. ...
The meaning of BLACKOUT is a turning off of the stage lighting to separate scenes in a play or end a play or skit; also : a skit that ends with a blackout. How to use blackout in a sentence.
(redirected fromBlackout (loss of consciousness)) Medical Encyclopedia faint (fānt) adj.faint·er,faint·est 1. a.Done with little strength or vigor; feeble:a faint attempt to apologize. b.So weak as to be difficult to perceive;a faint light in the distance; a faint echo. ...
black something out to make a place dark by turning off lights, covering windows, etc. A power failure blacked out the city last night. a house with blacked out windows related noun blackout to prevent something such as a piece of writing or a television broadcast from being re...
She suffered a blackout from the blow on the head. a period of total memory loss, as one induced by an accident or prolonged alcoholic drinking: The patient cannot account for the bizarre things he did during his blackout. a brief, passing lapse of memory: An actor may have an occasiona...
black (redirected fromblacked-out) Dictionary Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Informal; describing afinancial statementthat ends with a positive assessment. For example, if a company produces aprofitfor a given period of time, it is said to be "in the black." The term comes from the color of ...
Related to blacked out:passing out (blak), Greene V., U.S. dentist, 1836-1915. See:Black classification. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 black Medspeak-UK A person who, for the purposes of equal opportunity monitoring, has Black ethnic lineage, which includes, but is not...
Black Sea(proper noun) jet black(noun) pitch–black(adjective) 1black/ˈblæk/adjective blacker;blackest Britannica Dictionary definition of BLACK 1 a:having the very dark color of coal or the night sky blackink ablackdress b:very dark because there is no light ...
blackout inPolitics topic From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishblack‧out/ˈblækaʊt/noun[countable]1aperiodofdarknesscaused by afailureof theelectricitysupplySYNpower cut2a situation in which particular pieces ofnewsorinformationare notallowedto bereportedAs the crisis worsened, the aut...