The meaning of BIT is the biting or cutting edge or part of a tool. How to use bit in a sentence.
magnetic core, core - (computer science) a tiny ferrite toroid formerly used in a random access memory to store one bit of data; now superseded by semiconductor memories; "each core has three wires passing through it, providing the means to select and detect the contents of each bit" counte...
The meaning of ONLINE is connected to, served by, or available through a system and especially a computer or telecommunications system (such as the Internet); also : done while connected to such a system. How to use online in a sentence.
Define bit. bit synonyms, bit pronunciation, bit translation, English dictionary definition of bit. n. 1. A small portion, degree, or amount: a bit of lint; a bit of luck. 2. A brief amount of time; a moment: Wait a bit. 3. a. A short scene or episode in
Definition of a Computermeters)
a bit 1 :a little:somewhat or rather I let it bother mea bit. [=slightly] His house is down the streeta bitfurther. There'sa bittoo much sugar in the dessert, which makes ita bittoo sweet. [+] more examples 2 :a small amount or quantity:a little of something ...
Younger kids may be making a big jump from mobile devices to traditional laptops or desktop computers, too, which might make them feel a bit lost. FromPopular-Science In this war, the targeting is often happening on computer monitors thousands of miles away, capturing images from drones. ...
Computer Games as Part of Children's Culture A better knowledge about informal learning processes and their background seems to be necessary in order to avoid a "clash of media cultures." This metapho... G Studies - 《Game Studies》
A nibble, or quadbit, refers to four bits, or half of a standard byte/octet. Types of bytes While bytes are measured in bit multiples, computer storage is typically measured in byte multiples. In many computer architectures, a byte is the smallest addressable unit of memory. For example, ...
How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) 'Sneaked' or 'Snuck': Which is correct? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay ...