Noun1.atheist- someone who denies the existence of god disbeliever,nonbeliever,unbeliever- someone who refuses to believe (as in a divinity) Adj.1.atheist- related to or characterized by or given to atheism; "atheist leanings" atheistical,atheistic ...
The meaning of ATHEISM is a lack of belief or a strong disbelief in the existence of a god or any gods.
The meaning of ATHEIST is a person who does not believe in the existence of a god or any gods : one who subscribes to or advocates atheism. How Agnostic Differs From Atheist
atheism (noun): absence of belief in deities (gods, goddesses, etc.); atheist (noun): absent of belief in deities (gods, goddesses, etc.)
atheist [ ey-thee-ist ] Phonetic (Standard) IPA noun a person who does not believe in the existence of a supreme being or beings. a person who believes that there is no supreme being or beings.Discover More Other Words From an·ti·a·the·ist noun adjective pro·a·the·ist noun adj...
atheism (noun): absence of belief in deities (gods, goddesses, etc.); atheist (noun): absent of belief in deities (gods, goddesses, etc.)
atheism (noun): absence of belief in deities (gods, goddesses, etc.); atheist (noun): absent of belief in deities (gods, goddesses, etc.)
Define A. A synonyms, A pronunciation, A translation, English dictionary definition of A. not, from Examples of words with the root a-: asexual, atheist Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree abbr...
belief in anything, as a code of ethics, standards of merit, etc.: to be of the same faith with someone concerning honesty. a system of religious belief: the Christian faith; the Jewish faith. the obligation of loyalty or fidelity to a person, promise, engagement, etc.: ...
Philosophy of biology, philosophical speculation about the concepts, methods, and theories of the biological sciences. The sharp increase in understanding of biological processes that has occurred since the mid-20th century has stimulated philosophical i