literature Dictionary Thesaurus Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia lit·er·a·ture (lit'tĕr-ă-chūr), 1.Body of written work on a specific topic. 2.Colloquial usage indicating any printed matter on a given topic (that is, manufacturer's literature). ...
Therefore, the definition of literacy haschanged in the 21st century from just being able to read or write, ... rather itinvolves the ability to find information that you need on the internet and share it with others (Holcomb, Castek, and Johnson, 2007). For that reason, it is not ...
The meaning of GENDER is a subclass within a grammatical class (such as noun, pronoun, adjective, or verb) of a language that is partly arbitrary but also partly based on distinguishable characteristics (such as shape, social rank, manner of existence, o
sexting, the sending or receiving of sexual words, pictures, or videos via technology, typically a mobile phone. A portmanteau of the words sex and texting, sexting gained popularity as both a cultural phenomenon and a topical study of research interest in the early part of the 21st century....
happiness appeared to lie in the avoidance of the petty annoyances of life and in the repression of instinctual behaviour. His cautionary tales of naughty children and animals may be regarded on one level as sophisticated parodies of thedidacticjuvenile literatureofGermanyand on another as condemnatio...
Critics are like brushers of other men’s clothes —Benjamin Disraeli Critics are like eunuchs in a harem. They see how it should be done every night. But they can’t do it themselves —Brendan Behan Even when he’s not at his best, his books still are appetizing, much like a box ...
The meaning of SMITE is to strike sharply or heavily especially with the hand or an implement held in the hand. How to use smite in a sentence. Did you know? On Smite, Smote, and Smitten
(General Physics) the idea, used in chaos theory, that a very small difference in the initial state of a physical system can make a significant difference to the state at some later time [C20: from the theory that a butterfly flapping its wings in one part of the world might ultimately...
And literature of an excellent character is at the present moment growing up in South Africa in the Taal, which was only a few years ago, the common medium of speech between simple but brave rustics. If we have lost faith in our vernaculars, it is a sign of want of faith in ...
the science/maths/history etc curriculumThe English curriculum is divided into Language and Literature.a core/common curriculum(=the subjects that everyone must study because they are considered very important)There has been a lot of debate on the content of the core academic ...