The meaning of NORM is an authoritative standard : model. How to use norm in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Norm.
2 of 2 noun 1 :a form or state regarded as the norm:standard 2 :one that is normal 3 a :a normal line b :the portion of a normal line to a plane curve between the curve and the x-axis Synonyms Adjective average common commonplace ...
1. a. A pattern that is regarded as typical of something: a neighborhood where families with two wage-earners are the norm. b. A standard or expectation that is established for a given enterprise or effort: journalistic norms. c. A pattern of behavior considered acceptable or proper by a...
Norm. 2 abbreviation for Norman. Discover More Other Words From norm·lessadjective Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofnorm1 First recorded in 1820–30; fromLatinnorma“carpenter's square, rule, pattern” Discover More Example Sentences ...
1-norm: ∥A∥1=max1≤j≤n∑ni=1|aij|‖A‖1=max1≤j≤n∑i=1n|aij|, which is the maximum column sum; 2-norm: ∥A∥2=√ρ(ATA)‖A‖2=ρ(ATA), where ρρ represents the spectral radius, i.e. the maximum eigenvalue of ATAATA; ∞∞-norm: ∥A∥∞=max1≤i≤n∑nj=1|...
Define male reproductive system. male reproductive system synonyms, male reproductive system pronunciation, male reproductive system translation, English dictionary definition of male reproductive system. Noun 1. male reproductive system - the reproducti
1 [ jen-der ] Phonetic (Standard) IPA noun either the male or female division of a species, especially as differentiated by social and cultural roles and behavior: Compare sex 1( def 1 ). the feminine gender. a similar category of human beings that is outside the male/female binary ...
norm.theory as an important mathematical tool to study the flexible logics on interval0,∞].N-norm and N-generator on 0,∞]were defined,and the relative main properties were studied.Generation theorem of N-norm was proven.Method for calculating generalized self-correlation coefficient k was ...
but mutual respect is a universal norm. The subjective social reconstruction of the process registers bullying rather than objective evaluations (see Einarsen et al.,2020b). A recent review by Boudrias et al. (2021) points to the varied effects of bullying. It undermines students’ dignity and...
The meaning of NORMAL is conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern : characterized by that which is considered usual, typical, or routine. How to use normal in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Normal.