The meaning of NUNC PRO TUNC is now for then —used in reference to a judicial or procedural act that corrects an omission in the record, has effect as of an earlier date, or takes place after a deadline has expired. How to use nunc pro tunc in a sentenc
History and Meaning of Nunc Pro Tunc Nunc Pro Tunc is a Latin phrase that means "now for then". It is a legal term used to describe a court order that allows an action to be recorded as though it had been taken at an earlier time. The purpose of Nunc Pro Tunc is to correct an ...
Nunc Pro Tunc [Latin, Now for then.] When courts take some action nunc pro tunc, that action has retroactive legal effect, as though it had been performed at a particular, earlier date. The most common use of nunc pro tunc is to correct past clerical errors, or omissions made by the ...
Related to Nunc:Nunc dimittis,Nunc pro tunc Nunc Di·mit·tis (nŭngk′ dĭ-mĭt′ĭs, no͝ongk′) n. A Christian canticle or hymn using the words of Simeon in Luke 2:29-32, beginning"Nunc dimittis servum tuum"("Now lettest thou thy servant depart"). ...
Nunc pro tunc: An entry made now for an act done previously and to have the effect as if it were done on a prior date.Order to Show Cause: Is a court order requiring a person to appear and show why some action should not be taken....
nunc pro tunc After a deadline and given retroactive effect Application of West for Admission to the Bar nunc pro tunc pendente lite Pending the suit; during the litigation Parsley, Administrator Pendente Lite v. Harlan petitioner Party filing a petition Walton, Petitioner v. Walton, etc., et...
The meaning of NUMEROSITY is the requirement that members of a proposed class formed for a class action be so numerous as to make joinder of the members impracticable.
In the Rejection Motions, the Debtors seek authority to reject the respective agreements nunc pro tunc to the March 31, 2018 petition date. Certain parties objected to the Rejection Motions and, as of the date hereof, the Debtor has been working with those parties toward a mutual resolution of...
declaration that the FDIC's notification is void and a rescission thereof; (3) a declaration of the invalidity of the Secretary's orders closing Meritor and appointing FDIC as receiver and rescissions thereof; and (4) the imposition of a constructive trust for Meritor's benefit nunc pro tunc...
Baker was suspended for three years, nunc pro tunc to March 24, 2014, with conditions, for engaging in gross negligence of trust account management in violation of Rules 5-1.1 (trust accounts) and 5-1.2 (trust accounting records and procedures). Baker petitions for reinstatement Instead of pro...