<Urdu,Hindiurdū,extracted fromPersianzabān i urdūliterally, language of the camp (ultimately <Turkic;horde) Discover More Example Sentences "Everyone was running for their lives," she later told BBC Urdu from a hospital in Islamabad, adding it was "like doomsday or a war". ...
The meaning of URDU is an Indo-Aryan language that has the same colloquial basis as standard Hindi, is an official language of Pakistan, and is widely used by Muslims in urban areas of India.
The meaning of PAN is a usually broad, shallow, and open container for domestic use (as for cooking). How to use pan in a sentence.
1.A reference work containing an alphabetical list of words, with information given for each word, usually including meaning, pronunciation, and etymology. 2.A reference work containing an alphabetical list of words in one language with their translations in another language. ...
Urdu: An Indic language that is the official literary language of Pakistan, essentially identical to Hindi in its spoken form but in its literary form heavily influenced by Persian and Arabic and written in an Arabic alphabet.
He spoke Urdu exceedingly well, and it was difficult in the gloom to recognize him as a European. From Project Gutenberg Once more these huge explosions unloading their cargoes of midnight on to the evening gloom. From Project Gutenberg He may be considered as one of the learned few whose ge...
Beginning in the early 19th century, the company financed the tea trade with illegal opium exports to China. Chinese opposition to that trade precipitated the first Opium War (1839–42), which resulted in a Chinese defeat and the expansion of British trading privileges; a second conflict, often...
1.(Linguistics) denoting a type of verb that takes the same noun as either direct object or as subject, with equivalent meaning. Thus, "fuse" is an ergative verb: "He fused the lights" and "The lights fused" have equivalent meaning ...
similarity alone is not proof of plagiarism. Courts recognize that similar creative inspiration may occur simultaneously in two or more people. In Hollywood, for example, where well-established conventions govern filmmaking, this conventionality often leads to similar work. As early as 1942, inO'Rourk...
The meaning of CHOP is to cut into or sever usually by repeated blows of a sharp instrument. How to use chop in a sentence.