Define recusant. recusant synonyms, recusant pronunciation, recusant translation, English dictionary definition of recusant. n. 1. One of the Roman Catholics in England who incurred legal and social penalties in the 1500s and afterward for refusing to at
Define liberticide. liberticide synonyms, liberticide pronunciation, liberticide translation, English dictionary definition of liberticide. n 1. a destroyer of freedom 2. the destruction of freedom liˌbertiˈcidal adj Collins English Dictionary – C
Escalade contre les attaques a la liberte de la presse Why shouldn't he spend his last years in delicto flagrante if that's his greatest pleasure? Happiness all in the head But sex definitely is as The Tudors sets out to do for merrie olde England what Rome did for Italy with plenty ...
Define exteriorise. exteriorise synonyms, exteriorise pronunciation, exteriorise translation, English dictionary definition of exteriorise. Past participle: exteriorised Gerund: exteriorising Imperative exteriorise exteriorise Present I exteriorise you e
(kō-kē′)alsoco·quí·quisalsoco·quís 1.A small arboreal frog(Eleutherodactylus coqui)native to Puerto Rico and introduced into Florida, Hawaii, and several Caribbean islands. The male has a loud, high-pitched call. 2.Any of several other species in the genusEleutherodactylus...