The meaning of GRIND is to reduce to powder or small fragments by friction (as in a mill or with the teeth). How to use grind in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Grind.
to grind one's teeth. Synonyms:abrade to operate by turning a crank: to grind a hand organ. to produce by crushing or abrasion: to grind flour. Slang.toannoy;irritate;irk: It really grinds me when he's late. verb (used without object) ...
1grind/ˈgraɪnd/verb grinds;ground/ˈgraʊnd/;grinding Britannica Dictionary definition of GRIND 1 [+ object] a:to crush or break (something) into very small pieces by rubbing it against a rough surface or using a special machine ...
grind (grīnd) v. ground (ground), grind·ing, grinds 1. a. To reduce to small bits or crush to a fine powder: grind wheat into flour; grind coffee beans. b. To shape, sharpen, or refine with friction: grind scissors to a fine edge; grind lenses for eyeglasses. 2. ...
If you like to grind your own coffee beans, it means you prefer to buy whole beans, put them in an electric grinder, and pulverize them into tiny bits before you brew your coffee.When you grind something, you mill or crush it into smaller pieces, the way you grind pepper or grind a...
grind: To crush, pulverize, or reduce to powder by friction, especially by rubbing between two hard surfaces.
The meaning of GROUND is the surface of a planet (such as the earth or Mars); especially : the surface of the earth or a particular part of it sometimes as contrasted with the air or sea —often used before another noun. How to use ground in a sentence.
[transitive] grind something (down/up) | grind something (to/into something) to break or press something into very small pieces between two hard surfaces or using a special machine to grind coffee/corn The animal has teeth that grind its food into a pulp. see also ground Extra ExamplesTopic...
Grind Grind, v. i. 1. To perform the operation of grinding something; to turn the millstones. Send thee Into the common prison, there to grind. --Milton. 2. To become ground or pulverized by friction; as, this corn grinds well. 3. To become polished or sharpened by friction; as, ...
GRIND TO is contained in 1 match in Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Learn definitions, uses, and phrases with grind to.