Formation Professionnelle Continue Ostéopathie Formation Professionnelle Conventionnelle Formation Professionnelle d'Initiative Locale Formation Professionnelle de la Côte d'Opale Formation Professionnelle des Adultes Formation Professionnelle du Taxi Parisien ...
Define congealing. congealing synonyms, congealing pronunciation, congealing translation, English dictionary definition of congealing. v. con·gealed , con·geal·ing , con·geals v. intr. 1. To solidify or coagulate: Fat congealed in globs on the surfac
Slack est une plateforme qui centralise les flux de travail. Il s‘agit d‘un espace où les personnes dont vous avez besoin, les informations que vous partagez et les outils que vous utilisez sont regroupés afin de mieux travailler.
Define attestation service. attestation service synonyms, attestation service pronunciation, attestation service translation, English dictionary definition of attestation service. Noun 1. attestation service - a consulting service in which a CPA expresse
Immigrants qualifies cherchent qualification : La formation professionnelle et l'integration au marche de l'emploi Allianz announces its intention to enter the general insurance sector in Vietnam through a digital joint venture (JV) to be set up with the FPT Group - driving long-term success in ...
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook En`search´ v. i.1.To make search; to try to find something. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
Define congealer. congealer synonyms, congealer pronunciation, congealer translation, English dictionary definition of congealer. v. con·gealed , con·geal·ing , con·geals v. intr. 1. To solidify or coagulate: Fat congealed in globs on the surface of
Define coordinative. coordinative synonyms, coordinative pronunciation, coordinative translation, English dictionary definition of coordinative. n. 1. Mathematics Any of a set of two or more numbers used to determine the position of a point, line, curve,
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook dotard (redirected fromdotards) Thesaurus dot·ard (dō′tərd) n. A person who is in his or her dotage. [Middle English, fromdoten,to dote.] ...
Military & Government (0) Science & Medicine (0) Organizations, Schools, etc. (2) Business & Finance (2) Slang, Chat & Pop culture (0) Sort results:alphabetical| rank? Rank Abbr.Meaning CDFPCentre de Formation Professionnelle Continue (French: Continuing Professional Education Center; French Re...