maternal mortality Thenumberofwomenwhodieeachyear,fromcausesassociatedwithpregnancyorchildbirth,forevery1000totalbirths.Deathsduringpregnancyfromcausesunrelatedtopregnancyareexcludedbutcausallyrelateddeathsarecounted,eveniftheyoccurmonthsoryearsafterthepregnancy.Maternalmortalityis ausefulindexofthestandardsofmedicalcarein ...
Words You Always Have to Look Up Your vs. You're: How to Use Them Correctly Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins 8 Words with Fascinating Histories 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments Birds Say the Darndest Things ...
mortality noun mor·tal·i·tymȯr-ˈtal-ət-ē pluralmortalities 1 :the quality or state of beingmortal 2 : : : mortality rate morbiditysense 2 More from Merriam-Webster onmortality Thesaurus:All synonyms and antonyms formortality ...
Changing the definition of maternal mortality: a new look at the postpartum intervaldoi:10.1016/S0140-6736(81)92695-7RogerWRochatandGeorgeLRubinandRichardSelikandBenjaminPSDOSLancet
Gestation period is undependable because it relies on maternal memory and regularity. Birth weight is subject to variation among groups and is affected by nutrition and environment. It seems that neither gestation nor birth weight is ideal for defining a truncation point for perinatal mortality. ...
impermanence, impermanency - the property of not existing for indefinitely long durations immortality - the quality or state of being immortal 2. mortality - the ratio of deaths in an area to the population of that area; expressed per 1000 per year death rate, deathrate, fatality rate, mortal...
With a mortality rate of 70 percent, the more cases that arise, the deadlier this epidemic becomes. FromThe Daily Beast Advanced maternal age dramatically increases the risk of maternal mortality as well as birth defects like Down Syndrome. ...
Explore the types of mortality rates, learn the formula for calculating mortality rates, and see how studying these rates can benefit a...
My maternal family is large, so when we go out to eat, there’s usually more than 20 of us. FromLos Angeles Times The children stayed with their maternal aunt and grandmother for two weeks before social workers decided they could return home. ...
Unfortunately, there are a lot of miscarriages, and infant-maternal mortality is uncomfortably high (certainly higher than one would expect in the American heartland). intertribal: people bleed from terrible places, for terrible reasons. intertribal 2010 Generalized weakness, malaise, loss of coordinat...