9. often spirits(used with a sing. verb) An alcohol solution of an essential or volatile substance. 10. spirits An alcoholic beverage, especially distilled liquor. tr.v. spir·it·ed, spir·it·ing, spir·its 1. To carry off mysteriously or secretly: The documents had been spirited away...
conception,creation- the event that occurred at the beginning of something; "from its creation the plan was doomed to failure" pollenation,pollination- transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of a plant cross-fertilisation,cross-fertilization- fertilization by the union of male and female...
Revisingregulatory requirements for trans- fers of all types of assets with recourse.4809. Revisingor modifying CIMS procedures as deemed necessary to ensure the continued safeguard of Confidential Information. RevisingSchedule: When changes of construction schedule are necessary during construction, coordinat...
of the FDIC in either its receivership or corporate capacity is delegated to the Director of DRR; or to theapplicable Director’s delegate; to:(a) Initiate and carry out the debtcollection processon behalf of the FDIC,in accordance withthe FCCS;(b) Accept or reject compromise of- fers ...
gave me aplayfulnip.•Thenipon mycheeksof itconfirmslife.•It wasnipand tuck up to 7-7 before Best opened up a 12-9 lead.•Already, thedarknesswas closing in, and there was arealwinternipin the air.•He was shortly drinking hard, followingbourbontwo-fers withnipbottlesofLuckyLager...
During 2021, many countries experienced a drop in life expectancy due to COVID-19 and were still reeling from theeconomic ravages of the pandemic. Life expectancy rose to 84 years, up from 83.1 in 2020. Switzerland also saw its per capita income surge to $93,457 in 2021, a sharp rise ...
What Is the Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS)? What Is a Foreign Invested Enterprise? What Is a Forward Dividend Yield? What Is FATFIRE: Financial Independence, Retire Early Float: Definition, How It Works, Example Free Cash Flow Yield: Definition, Formula, How to Calculate What Is th...
of·fer (ô′fər, ŏf′ər) v.of·fered,of·fer·ing,of·fers v.tr. 1. a.To present for acceptance or rejection; proffer:offered me a drink. b.To put forward for consideration; propose:offer an opinion. c.To present in order to meet a need or satisfy a requirement:offe...
1. To cross a body of water on or as if on a ferry. 2. To move laterally in a fast-moving river, as in a canoe, by keeping one's boat at an angle to the direction of flow and paddling or rowing against the current. n. pl. fer·ries 1. Nautical a. A ferryboat. b. A...
These are just a few examples of situations that KLV members are in when they call upon the services of the “Ingenieursrechtshulp” [Legal helpfor graduates] that KLV of- fers. Legal helpwill continue for the preparation of the inquest alongside any advocacy funding under a certificate. ...