Define contrasty. contrasty synonyms, contrasty pronunciation, contrasty translation, English dictionary definition of contrasty. adj. Having or producing sharp contrasts between light and dark areas in photography. American Heritage® Dictionary of th
Google Share on Facebook Viager Predominantly in France, thesaleof a house, usually by an elderly person, in which thesellerretainsusufructof the house. Thebuyermakes adown paymentand continual monthlypaymentsuntil the seller decides to move or dies. At that point, the payments cease and the ...
(kən-trăs′tĭv) adj. 1.Containing or forming a contrast; contrasting. 2.Linguistics a.Capable of distinguishing meaning; being in opposition:a phonological feature that is contrastive in one language but not in another. b.Pertaining to the study of structural contrasts:contrastive analysis...
Define suivez. suivez synonyms, suivez pronunciation, suivez translation, English dictionary definition of suivez. vb a musical direction meaning 'follow' Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publish
Define contrasuggestion. contrasuggestion synonyms, contrasuggestion pronunciation, contrasuggestion translation, English dictionary definition of contrasuggestion. adj psychol responding or tending to respond to a suggestion by doing or believing the op
Define contrasuggestibility. contrasuggestibility synonyms, contrasuggestibility pronunciation, contrasuggestibility translation, English dictionary definition of contrasuggestibility. adj psychol responding or tending to respond to a suggestion by doing
Define contrasuggestible. contrasuggestible synonyms, contrasuggestible pronunciation, contrasuggestible translation, English dictionary definition of contrasuggestible. adj psychol responding or tending to respond to a suggestion by doing or believing t
Define 1337. 1337 synonyms, 1337 pronunciation, 1337 translation, English dictionary definition of 1337. n a jargon used by some internet groups, in which standard English is translated into a mixture of letters, numerals, and symbols found on a computer
Define totalisation. totalisation synonyms, totalisation pronunciation, totalisation translation, English dictionary definition of totalisation. tr.v. to·tal·ized , to·tal·iz·ing , to·tal·iz·es To make or combine into a total. to′tal·i·za′tio