-eled, -el•ing (esp. Brit.) -elled, -el•ling. adj. 1. having no part higher than another; having a flat or even surface. 2. being in a plane parallel to the plane of the horizon; horizontal. 3. equal, as in height, condition, status, or advancement. 4. even, eq...
vb, -els, -elling or -elled, -els, -eling or -eled 8. (sometimes foll by: off) to make (a surface) horizontal, level, or even 9. to make (two or more people or things) equal, as in position or status 10. (tr) to raze to the ground 11. (tr) to knock (a person) dow...
Par convention, le type complexe d’un élément correspond au nom de l’élément suivi du mot Type. Un élément ReportParameters peut être contenu par l’élément Report (type complexe) et peut contenir des éléments ReportParameter . ReportParameterType est un type simple qui peut ...
Zone de mot de passe Passwordrecovery PasswordStrength Coller PasteAppend PasteReplace PasteTable PatchPackage Chemin d’accès PathIcon PathListBox PathListBoxItem PathMany PathOne Suspendre PausePhoneLandscape PDBFile PDWDestination Crayon En attenteAjouter PendingAddNode PendingBranch PendingBranchNode ...
Moreover, the data found for the Italian and European case were “non speciated” (i.e., they consider VOC emissions as a whole). There are other types of databases and emission inventories reporting information relating to the different substances emitted. This is, for instance, the case of...
geolinguistiques sont nettement predominants et la phonetique et la syntaxe, qui dominent dans les programmes des sciences du langage en France, ne sont, chez les romanistes, du moins selon ce que reflete l'ensemble des contributions, traites que de maniere indirecte parmi d'autres ...
Marsupial, any of more than 250 species belonging to the infraclass Metatheria (sometimes called Marsupialia), a mammalian group characterized by premature birth and continued development of the newborn while attached to the nipples in a pouch on the mot
Zone de mot de passe Passwordrecovery PasswordStrength Coller PasteAppend PasteReplace PasteTable PatchPackage Chemin d’accès PathIcon PathListBox PathListBoxItem PathMany PathOne Suspendre PausePhoneLandscape PDBFile PDWDestination Crayon En attenteAjouter PendingAddNode PendingBranch PendingBranchNode ...
of all the verbes i now... To understand russian better..It helps me to learn like this ...
-eled, -el•ing (esp. Brit.) -elled, -el•ling. adj. 1. having no part higher than another; having a flat or even surface. 2. being in a plane parallel to the plane of the horizon; horizontal. 3. equal, as in height, condition, status, or advancement. 4. even, eq...