Define accoutre. accoutre synonyms, accoutre pronunciation, accoutre translation, English dictionary definition of accoutre. or ac·cou·ter tr.v. ac·cou·tred , ac·cou·tring , ac·cou·tres or ac·cou·tered or ac·cou·ter·ing or ac·cou·ters To o
19. (Theatre) an actor who plays two parts in one play 20. (Bridge) bridge a call that increases certain scoring points if the last preceding bid becomes the contract 21. (Billiards & Snooker) billiards snooker a strike in which the object ball is struck so as to make it rebound agains...
Ils etaient employes dans les villes et les bourgs, surtout comme esclaves domestiques, les femmes en qualite de nourrices et de servantes. Les Bambaras au contraire, l'ethnie la plus nombreuse de cette region a Saint-Domingue, juges laborieux et endurcis au travail, etaient apprecies pour ...
Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook access Dictionary Thesaurus Legal Financial Acronyms Idioms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to access:Microsoft Access [ak´ses] a means of approaching something. arteriovenous accessthe usual type ofvascularaccess, connecting an artery ...
Henry Cow invited four of these bands to play alongside them at the first Rock in Opposition festival on 12th March 1978, at the New London Theatre, Drury Lane in London. The British Arts Council helped the funding of the festival with a £1000 grant. The Rock in Opposition slogan "The...
...amuser; dans le sens metaphysique on en fait un des attributs de la folie: Ice je l'employe comme embleme de gaiete et d'enfance. Le Pritems est une Epitre ecrite de la campagne a un de mes amis; j'etois sous le charme de lacreation, pour ainsi dire; les vers... ...
p. 294; Zozomenes, Eccl. Hist., lib. iii., cap. xv.) Un baton termine par une croix se voit dans la main d'Astarte sur les monnaies de Sidon au 3me siecle avant notre ere. En Scandinavie, un signe de l'alphabet runique figurait le marteau de Thor, tres semblable a la croi...
Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook origin (redirected fromOrigines) Dictionary Thesaurus Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to Origines:Origenes origin [or´ĭ-jin] the source or beginning of anything, especially the more fixed end or attachment of a muscle (as distinguished from its insertion...
grands realisateurs de la planete comme Martin Scorsese, Francis Ford Coppola, Brian de Palma, Elia Kazan, Sergio Leone, Bernardo Bertolucci, Michael Cimino, Michael Mann ou encore Quentin Tarantino l'ont definitivement etabli parmi les acteurs les plus celebres et les plus reconnus dans le ...
41. (Theatre) a stop made by a touring theatrical company, pop group, etc, to give a performance (esp in the phrase one-night stand) 42. (Building) South African a plot or site earmarked for the erection of a building 43. (Shooting) (of a gun dog) the act of pointing at game ...