Define valorization. valorization synonyms, valorization pronunciation, valorization translation, English dictionary definition of valorization. tr.v. val·or·ized , val·or·iz·ing , val·or·iz·es 1. To establish and maintain the price of by governm
Define hentai. hentai synonyms, hentai pronunciation, hentai translation, English dictionary definition of hentai. n. A style of sexually explicit comic books, animated video, and computer games originally developed in Japan. American Heritage® Dictio
Define valorous. valorous synonyms, valorous pronunciation, valorous translation, English dictionary definition of valorous. adj. Marked by or possessing great personal bravery; valiant. See Synonyms at brave. val′or·ous·ly adv. val′or·ous·ness n.
Representation of oxygenated fluids associated with biomass valorisation (descriptor definition)Thanh Binh NGUYENJeanCharles de HEMPTINNEGeorgios M. KONTOGEORGIS
Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook Currency revaluation (redirected fromRevaluation of Currency) Currency revaluation A deliberate upward adjustment in the officialexchange rateestablished, or pegged, by government against a specified standard, such as anothercurrencyor gold...
La valorisation globale de la qualité des denrées contient outre les trois qualités reconnues - valeur savoureuse, valeur d’aptitude, valeur pour la santé d’autres paramètres qui en ce moment prennent de plus en plus d’importance. D’une part il s’agit de la valeur psychologique ...
(redirected fromrevalorisation) revalorize (riːˈvæləˌraɪz)or revalorise vb(tr) 1.(Banking & Finance) to change the valuation of (assets) 2.(Economics) to replace (a currency unit) by another reˌvaloriˈzation,reˌvaloriˈsationn ...
Valetas from the Agence pour la valorisation de la recherche universitaire du Limousin (AVRUL) for his help with this project. Calcineurin activity assay measurement by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry in the multiple reaction monitoring mode waltzes, valetas, schottisches and one steps ...
van poolN(US) →parquem(móvil) defurgonetas van 2[væn]N(Mil, fig) →vanguardiaf to be in the van→ira lavanguardia to be in the van of progress→estaren lavanguardiadelprogreso Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd...
L'utilisation du terme << armure >> pour definir leurs vetements a maintes fois repetees et mises de l'avant. La fierte d'etre anormal : valorisation des stigmas comme nouvelle identite chez les lolita et angura a Tokyo Comme une armure, ses vetements la protegent du regard et du desir...