RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook solidaristic (ˌsɒlɪdəˈrɪstɪk) adj (Sociology)sociolrelating to solidarism Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998,...
Acronyms sign (sīn) n. 1.Something that suggests the presence or existence of a fact, condition, or quality:A high temperature is a sign of fever. 2. a.An act or gesture used to convey an idea, a desire, information, or a command:gave the go-ahead sign.See Synonyms atgesture. ...
Quae in auria acta sunt rite agi praesummuntur Quae in partes dividi nequeunt solida Quae incontinenti vel certo fiunt inesse videntur Quae inter alios acta sunt nemini nocere debent Quae malasunt inchoata in principio vex bono peragantur exitu ...
Quae in auria acta sunt rite agi praesummuntur Quae in partes dividi nequeunt solida Quae incontinenti vel certo fiunt inesse videntur Quae inter alios acta sunt nemini nocere debent Quae malasunt inchoata in principio vex bono peragantur exitu ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook deletion (redirected fromDeleation) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia de·le·tion (dĭ-lē′shən) n. 1.The act of deleting; removal by striking out. 2.Material, such as a word or passage, that has been removed from a body of written or printed matter....
Twitter Google Share on Facebook (redirected fromsolidagos) Thesaurus Encyclopedia Related to solidagos:Solidago sempervirens,Solidago rugosa solidago (ˌsɒlɪˈdeɪɡəʊ) n,pl-gos (Plants) any plant of the chiefly American genusSolidago,which includes the goldenrods: familyAsteraceae(...
Quae in auria acta sunt rite agi praesummuntur Quae in partes dividi nequeunt solida Quae incontinenti vel certo fiunt inesse videntur Quae inter alios acta sunt nemini nocere debent Quae malasunt inchoata in principio vex bono peragantur exitu ...
Zone de Protection du Patrimoine Architectural, Urbain et Paysager Zone de Protection Spéciale Zone de Redynamisation Urbaine Zone de Réserve des Pêches Zone de Responsabilité Permanente Zone de Revitalisation Rurale Zone de Solidarite Prioritaire ...
Define toucher. toucher synonyms, toucher pronunciation, toucher translation, English dictionary definition of toucher. v. touched , touch·ing , touch·es v. tr. 1. To cause or permit a part of the body, especially the hand or fingers, to come in contac
Define Augsbourg. Augsbourg synonyms, Augsbourg pronunciation, Augsbourg translation, English dictionary definition of Augsbourg. A city of southern Germany west-northwest of Munich. Founded by Augustus as a Roman garrison c. 14 bc, it was a major commer