Define psychosexuality. psychosexuality synonyms, psychosexuality pronunciation, psychosexuality translation, English dictionary definition of psychosexuality. adj. Of or relating to the mental and emotional aspects of sexuality. psy′cho·sex′u·al′i
Psychoportation Psychoportation psychoprophylactic preparation for childbirth psychoprophylaxis psychoprophylaxis Psychopsis Psychopsis krameriana Psychopsis papilio Psychoregression psychorelaxation Psychorientology psychormic psychorrhagy psychos psychos psychos psychos Psychose Passionelle Psychose Passionelle psych...
ˌpsychoˌphysiˈologistn Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 psy•cho•phys•i•ol•o•gy (ˌsaɪ koʊˌfɪz iˈɒl ə dʒi) ...
Define Metempsychose. Metempsychose synonyms, Metempsychose pronunciation, Metempsychose translation, English dictionary definition of Metempsychose. v. t. 1. To translate or transfer, as the soul, from one body to another. Webster's Revised Unabridged D
Williams Clado BPsychopsis krameriana(Rchb.f.) H.G.Jones JBL 13825 P. Diversidad de inclusiones minerales en la subtribu Oncidiinae (Orchidaceae) More results ► Full browser? Complete English Grammar Rules is now available in paperback and eBook formats. ...
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Define Tutankamen. Tutankamen synonyms, Tutankamen pronunciation, Tutankamen translation, English dictionary definition of Tutankamen. or Tut·ankh·a·men fl. c. 1350 bc. King of Egypt during the XVIII Dynasty. His tomb was found almost intact by Howard
Define metencephalon. metencephalon synonyms, metencephalon pronunciation, metencephalon translation, English dictionary definition of metencephalon. n. pl. met·en·ceph·a·la 1. The anterior part of the embryonic hindbrain, which gives rise to the cer
[12.]MetchnikovI (1903) Etudes biologiques sur la vieillesse. Natural ways of health rehabilitation through health workshops Metchnikov, in his turn, erred in dismissing the promise of the humoral approach. Great scientists don't make mistakes, do they?
d'amenagement du territoire produites par cette forme contractuelle et, d'autre part, a la litterature recente consacree a la troisieme Italie, qui lie la Iocalisation des districts d'entreprises de la seconde moitie du [XX.sup.e] siecle a la preexistence dans ces lieux du systeme dumeta...