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1969. Sémiologie de la langue (2), Semiotica 1, No. 2: 127–135. Reprinted in: Benveniste, Émile. 1974. Problèmes de linguistique générale, vol. 2, 33–66. Paris: Gallimard. Google Scholar Beethoven Werkstatt. Genetische Textkritik und digitale Edition. https://beethovens-werkstatt...
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S. Marcus, Introduction mathematique á la linguistique structurale, Paris 1967. S. Marcus, Algebraic Linguistics; Analytical Models, N. Y.-London 1967. I.I. Revzin, Metod modelirovanija i tipologija slavjanskix jazykov, Moscow 1967. R. Jakobson, ‘Beitrag zur allgemeinen Kasuslehre’, Trav...
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The most important one is l’Institut de Linguistique Appliquée (ILA), founded in 1975, pursuing the aims of la Commission Nationale Centrafricaine pour l’Etude de laLangueSango. The sign language of the Frenchspeaking part of Belgium isMutual intelligibility among the sign languages 357Tabl...
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