2025 The big picture: Especially since the Black Lives Matter movement, opposition to large law enforcement training facilities has grown. Alexandria Sands, Axios, 19 Feb. 2025 In the first half of the season, five couples get engaged after many very serious conversations, including LGBTQ+ rights...
The meaning of BLACKLIST is a list of persons who are disapproved of or are to be punished or boycotted. How to use blacklist in a sentence.
But that doesn't matter to me! it is we who talk of justice, of respect, and sympathy from man to man, and then we go and blacken the men who don't agree with us—whole classes, that is to say, of our fellow-countrymen, not in the old honest slashing style, Tartuffes that we...
overrefine, over-refine - refine too much or with excess of subtlety; "He is overrefining this matter" civilise, civilize, school, cultivate, educate, train - teach or refine to be discriminative in taste or judgment; "Cultivate your musical taste"; "Train your tastebuds"; "She is well ...
Define wideness. wideness synonyms, wideness pronunciation, wideness translation, English dictionary definition of wideness. adj. wid·er , wid·est 1. a. Having a specified extent from side to side: a ribbon two inches wide. b. Extending over a great di
Let’s face it, a content audit is not the most riveting subject matter, but Kristina manages to bring it to life by comparing audits to clearing up other people’s “icky detritus” after the winter snow has melted. 6. Metaphors Don’t Have to Be Written (Or, Get Creative With Metaph...
Travis D. Jones
... Bard that's seen Inditing verse in crinoline. (a) I say—deputed by a few Young ladies: 'tis no matter who: I come—(of vict'ry little chance)— With "M. C. D." to break a lance; To intimate our great surprise To hear ourselves called—merchandise, To be obtained—(there...
The meaning of SLAVE is someone captured, sold, or born into chattel slavery. How to use slave in a sentence.
The meaning of RAINBOW is an arc or circle that exhibits in concentric bands the colors of the spectrum and that is formed opposite the sun by the refraction and reflection of the sun's rays in raindrops, spray, or mist. How to use rainbow in a sentence.