Learn Gene definition, structure, function, mutation, and more. Answer our Biological Quiz on genes.
Define bioenergetics. bioenergetics synonyms, bioenergetics pronunciation, bioenergetics translation, English dictionary definition of bioenergetics. n. 1. Biology The study of the flow and transformation of energy in and between living organisms and bet
gene conversion n. 1.The unequal segregation of alleles to gametes during meiosis, resulting in gametes containing one allele being more numerous than gametes containing the other allele for certain genes. 2.The replacement of one part of a chromosome with a copy of the homologous part on the ...
... told scientifically that this knowledge may form a basis for later studies in biology. He can be taught in a simple manner that all nature comes from a seed; that the mother makes a tiny nest for the seed and that with all seeds it is necessary for their growth that the father ...
Split gene in the largest biology dictionary online. Free learning resources for students covering all major areas of biology.
The meaning of GENOMICS is a branch of biotechnology concerned with applying the techniques of genetics and molecular biology to the genetic mapping and DNA sequencing of sets of genes or the complete genomes of selected organisms, with organizing the re
The meaning of GENUS is a class, kind, or group marked by common characteristics or by one common characteristic; specifically : a category of biological classification ranking between the family and the species, comprising structurally or phylogenetical
protein synthesis. Transcription of any onegenetakes place at the chromosomal location of that gene, which is a relatively short segment of thechromosome. The active transcription of a gene depends on the need for the activity of that particular gene in a specificcellortissueor at a given time...
Define DNA gene. DNA gene synonyms, DNA gene pronunciation, DNA gene translation, English dictionary definition of DNA gene. DNA A. adenine T. thymine C. cytosine G. guanine n. A nucleic acid that carries the genetic information in cells and some viruses
gene pool in the Biology topic by Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCE | What you need to know about Biology: words, phrases and expressions | Biology