sublimation (ˌsʌblɪˈmeɪʃən) n 1.(Psychoanalysis) (in Freudian psychology) the diversion of psychic energy derived from sexual impulses into nonsexual activity, esp of a creative nature 2.the process or an instance of sublimating ...
(Law)aleaseofpropertymadeby apersonwhoishimselforherselfalesseeortenantofthatproperty vb 1.(Law)tograntasubleaseof(property);sublet 2.(Law)(tr) totake,obtain,orholdbysublease sublesseen sublessorn CollinsEnglishDictionary–CompleteandUnabridged,12thEdition2014©HarperCollinsPublishers1991,1994,1998,2000...
what is sublimation dalton's atomic theory filtration definition atomic mass of potassium acid properties distillation process components of air comments leave a comment cancel reply your mobile number and email id will not be published. required fields are marked * * send otp did not receive otp?
or a retort and receiver; the operation of obtaining the spirit, essence, or essential oil of a substance by the evaporation and condensation of the liquid in which it has been macerated; rectification; in the widest sense, the whole process of extracting the essential principle of a substance...
As you can see in this picture: This explanation "relation between the normal and the slope of a curve" is formulated here: $$\frac{1}{\rho} \frac{d\rho }{d\psi }=\tan\left(\frac{\theta+\psi}{2}\right)$$ I got confused because I don't have the curve equation(regarding the...
6.Denial is the conscious refusal to perceive that painful facts exist. For example, in denying the reality of a loved one’s terminaldiagnosis, an individual can escape intolerable thoughts, feelings, or events. 7.Rationalizationis the substitution of a safe and reasonable explanation for the tr...
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Chemistry: Heat of Sublimation and Hydrogem Bonds Problem Homework Statement Using the heats of fusion and vaporization for water, calculate the change in enthalpy for the sublimation of water: H2O(s) --> H2O(g Using the delta H value given in Exercise 24 and the number of hydrogen bonds ...
Definition of penetrate in the Financial Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is penetrate? Meaning of penetrate as a finance term. What does penetrate mean in finance?