9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook altered mental status Acronyms A changed level of awareness or mental state that falls short of unconsciousness. Examples AMS Confusion, disorientation, or stupor (which, if of sudden onset, constitute a medical ...
Related to altered:Altered Mental Status al·ter (ôl′tər) v.al·tered,al·ter·ing,al·ters v.tr. 1.To change or make different; modify:altered my will. 2.To adjust (a garment) for a better fit. 3.To castrate or spay (an animal, such as a cat or a dog). ...
1 altered states of conscious 书中的definition是:any conscious mental state that is different from an individual's normal,alert,awake state. 但还是不怎么理解是什么意思. 书中说除了conscious,preconscious,and subconscious这三个以外,the altered state is a fourth level. 那个意识,前意识和潜意识,我听说...
The meaning of ADJUSTMENT is the act or process of adjusting. How to use adjustment in a sentence.
The meaning of DISABLED is impaired or limited by a physical, mental, cognitive, or developmental condition : affected by disability. How to use disabled in a sentence.
altered cast altered immune response altered level of consciousness altered mental status altered state of consciousness alterego alteregoism alternan alternans alternans test Alternaria Alternaria spp alternate alternate arrangement alternate cover test alternate delivery system alternate generation alternate hemi...
InThe Paranoid Style in American Politics(1965), Hofstadter proposed that this is not an individual pathology but instead originates in social conflict that raises fears and anxieties, which leads to status struggles between opposed groups. The resulting conspiracy theorizing derives from acollectivesense...
Altered Mental Status in Children Therapeutic Gases in Pediatric Care: Oxygen, Nitric Oxide, Heliox & CO2 Sleepwalking in Kids | Definition, Causes & Symptoms Shaken Baby Syndrome: Symptoms & Facts Common Childhood Diseases What is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome? - Characteristics, Symptoms & Signs Epigastric...
In revolution an entire class structure is altered.Yetonce the society has been radically reorganized, further social mobility may be minimal. Social mobility, however, may come about through slower, more subtle changes, such as the movement of individuals or groups from a poor agrarian region to...
(or within 48 hours of mechanical ventilation), who must also demonstrate: one or more systemic signs (fever, leukopenia or leukocytosis, or altered mental status in those >70 years of age) and selected pulmonary criteria (e.g., change in respiratory secretions, new onset of cough, dyspnea,...