The definite article is the word 'the.' It is used before a noun to define it as something specific or previously considered (e.g., I am the murderer.) The definite article contrasts with the indefinite article ('a' or 'an'), which defines something as u
I am sure there is a proper Grammatical term for that bit, which eludes me at the moment. I just point to the English language version which you can use as a crutch in this case: it doesn't require "being" either. Like15 years ago Share Joan C.A1Kwiziq Q&A regular contributor ...
The goal of this paper is to provide the basic outline of a typological study of definite articles, on the basis of both formal and notional criteria, with a focus on European languages. In contrast to earlier contributions to this topic and to recent, more comprehensive typological studies, ...
Laka 1993, Artiagoitia 1997, 1998, 2002, 2006, 2012, Etxe-berria 2005, 2006, 2010, 2012a, among many others) that BNs cannot be used in argument position in Standard Basque and that the use of the definite article is necessary if sentences are going to be grammatical (the presence of ...
Definite vs Indefinite Articles As articles are basic grammatical features in English grammar, knowing the difference between definite and indefinite art