Definite Articles: Masculine: Singular = el. Plural = los. Ex: el sombrero (the hat). los sombreros (the hats) Feminine: Singular = la. Plural = las. Ex: la niña (the girl) las niñas (the girls In most cases the ending of the word will help you to identify the article. Wh...
A definite article, called anartículodefinidoin Spanish, makes a noun refer to a particular item or items of its class. In English, the definite article is "the." In Spanish, there are five ways to say "the." The four most commonSpanishdefinite articles areel,la,losandlasin Spanish. A...
In English, when talking about our likes, loves and dislikes, we don’t generally use articles (like in the sentences “I like monster trucks” or “I hate black olives.”) But in Spanish, you must use definite articles(el, la, los, las)when talking about these general likes and disli...
Use this lesson plan to teach your students Spanish versions of definite and indefinite articles through play and practice. Students participate in practice sessions and active games to solidify their understanding. Worksheets assess acquisition.
The meaning of DEFINITE ARTICLE is the word the used in English to refer to a person or thing that is identified or specified; also : a word that is used in a similar way in another language. What are the definite and indefinite articles?
Definite Articles and Nouns in Spanish quiz for 8th grade students. Find other quizzes for World Languages and more on Quizizz for free!
Using Bullet Points ( • ) Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Popular in Wordplay See All Top 12 Sophisticated Compliments
Spanish definite and indefinite articles quiz for 8th grade students. Find other quizzes for Other and more on Quizizz for free!
It discusses what the difference in usage and function between early Old Spanish definite articles, on the one hand, and those in late Old Spanish and later periods, on the other, may tell us about their nature and about the structure and referentiality of the noun phrase in (Old) Spanish...
Learn about the definite and indefinite articles in Spanish, such as "el", "la", "los" and "las", and "un", "unos", "una" and "unas".