You may have noticed how the definite article changes each time the case changes. So try to memorize the table above by heart, I’m sure it’s not that hard. German Indefinite Articles The indefinite articles in German refer to unspecified persons, objects, ideas…etc. and they are: ein,...
Generally, zero article precedes proper nouns, uncountable nouns that refer to abstract ideas or plural nouns when the reference is indefinite. Here are some examples: Clean air is vital for a healthy environment. Wisdom is the gift of heaven. German is a difficult language to master. Children...
Translated by Webmaster using Google Translate from the original German, “Die rein formalen Wissenschaften, Logik und Mathematik, haben solche Relationen zu behandeln, welche unabhängig von dem bestimmten Inhalte, der Substanz der Objecte sind oder es wenigstens sein können.” ...
Table 3. Classification accuracy (Mean and Standard deviation in percent) of the proposed approach and other MI classification approaches on Dataset IVa, BCI Competition III. As shown in Table 3, our method outperformed the existing studies in the literature, except for the winner. In this stud...
Psychological distress was assessed using the German version of the SCL-90-S self-report instrument [38]. Psychological distress was assessed using nine scales: somatization, obsessive–compulsive, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, hostility, phobic anxiety, paranoid ideation, and psychoticism...
Aiming to estimate the magnitude of the effect of these updated criteria on the diagnostic classification of infectious endocarditis, we performed a preliminary analysis of data from the DERIVE registry (DEutsches RegIster kardioVaskulärer InfektionEn/German registry of cardiovascular infections). Apart ...